Convert PDF to PS by pdftops/pdf2ps

Use pdftops or pdf2ps, we can convert figure.pdf –> figure.eps or

pdftops can run fast than pdf2ps. And pdftops get more smaller output (i.e., eps/ps) file than pdf2ps. But pdftops get lossy quality figure, sometimes the output is not good enough.

Therefore, I recommend to use pdf-figure directly.

Use pdftops,

pdftops figure.pdf figure.eps
pdftops figure.pdf

Use pdf2ps,

pdf2ps -eps figure.pdf figure.eps
pdf2ps figure.pdf figure.eps
pdf2ps figure.pdf


Convert PDF to eps (remove white space)

ps2pdf14  -dEPSCrop image.eps image.pdf


  1. pdftops - Portable Document Format (PDF) to PostScript converter (ver- sion 3.01)
  2. pdf2ps - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator
  3. Conversion of PDF to PS (Unix & Linux Stack Exchange)
  4. Removing white space when converting from EPS to PDF