Matlab Command

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4. save


save(filename, variables, fmt);
value of fmt file format
’-mat’ (default) binary MAT-file format
’-ascii’ text format with 8 digits
’-ascii’,‘tabs’ tab-delimited text with 8 digits
’-ascii’, ‘-double’ text format with 16 digits
’-ascii’,‘-double’,‘tabs’ tab-delimited format with 16 digits

Example: save variate var to txt-file file.txt.

save file.txt var -ascii;
save('file.txt', 'var', '-ascii');

3. dlmwrite

Write matrix to ASCII-delimited filea. Example:


2. find

Find indices and values of nonzero elements. Example:

index_postion = find(var>10, 1, 'first');

1. atan2, angle

For complex $z$, the magnitude $R$ and phase angle $\theta$ are given by \begin{align} R &= \mathrm{abs}(z) \nonumber \newline \theta &= \mathrm{angle}(z) \newline \end{align} and the statement \begin{equation} z = R \cdot \mathrm{exp}(i \cdot \theta) \end{equation} converts back to the original complex $z$.

The angle function can be expressed as \begin{equation} \mathrm{angle}(z) = \mathrm{imag} \Big( \mathrm{log}(z) \Big) = \mathrm{atan2} \Big( \mathrm{imag}(z), \mathrm{real}(z) \Big). \end{equation} Example:

    z = 4 + 3i;
    r = abs(z)
    theta = atan2(imag(z), real(z))
    theta = angle(z)
    z = r*exp(1i*theta)


    r = 5
    theta = 0.6435
    theta = 0.6435
    z = 4.0000 + 3.0000 i


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